Tagged: Content Marketing

The Great Content Checklist: Evaluate Your Content

I came across this article advising content marketers on creating extraordinary material and that offers an excellent checklist for evaluating your writing. Here is an excerpt: 

If you want to produce great content, it’s time to leave ordinary in the dust.

Use this checklist to affirm your current best practices for producing great content and try out some new ideas you can use to increase your content marketing success right away.

Launching points for great content

Take time to size up your content and put it to the test. Be a tough critic and decide whether it’s really ready by answering questions like:

  • Is it informative?
  • How likely is it that someone will share it?
  • Is it well organized (i.e., will it be easy for readers to follow the logic and make their way though the conversation)?
  • Do you avoid industry jargon?
  • Does the content reflect your brand voice?
  • Is it well written (i.e., free of typos and in a format that will appeal to your audience)?
  • Do your visuals help the content pop?

In the midst of all of those questions, you should weigh whether the content is authoritative. Does it repeatedly convey that you know what you are talking about and are sharing insight that should be valued and trusted? Read More: http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2014/07/great-content-checklist-tips-tools-examples/ 

Can you add to this list? How do you evaluate your own content?
