Tagged: Social Media

Social Media Strategy Infographic

How do you execute Step 2, Social Media Listening? Use free tools like Google Alerts, Board Reader, Social Mention and Topsy to track the conversations that are going on surrounding your brand and industry. These tools will help you understand where discussions are taking place, what kind of issues need to be addressed within your industry which creates space for content creation and interaction. It will help you identify the platforms that should be focused on in your strategy and what business objectives should be accomplished through social media.


The Social Resume: An Infographic on How Social Media Could Help You Land Your Next Job

As a Senior Communications Studies Undergrad at York University, talk of the job-hunt has precluded many pre-class discussions. A trend that my fellow colleagues and I have noticed is that an increasing number of employers, within the Communications field, are judging the value of potential employees on the extensiveness and the content of their social media presence. This might include a personal blog, Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites. Here is an Infographic that I came across presenting statistical data about the prominence of social media analysis by employers who are looking to hire. It also provides useful tips to make sure that your “Social Resume” is not just appropriate, but optimal for your success in the job-hunt.

Do you find that a good “Social Resume”  is necessary qualification for a job?


Top Ten Uses for Twitter During #Sandy

  1. Communicating to family and friends and social media friends or no one in particular to #staysafe
  2. Warnings and tips for the public from media and commercial companies.
  3. Tweeting @ media companies directly to find out information about the storm.
  4. Sharing jokes and making light of the situation (One person tweeted that his friend was having a great time jet skiing on the coast of NY).
  5. Speculation on how #Sandy will impact the coming election.
  6. Sharing live video feed of New York, an important facet of this storm coverage.
  7. Speculation on how hurricanes are name altogether (One person tweeted “Sandy sounds like someone my mom would have tea with”)
  8. Updates on the progression of the storm
  9. Sharing news articles and videos of the damage
  10. Sharing photos (which may or may not be real)

How did you use social media during this storm?

Growing Up with Social Media…My Purpose

Growing up in the emerging in the age of the Internet, I have always been inspired to explore the social possibilities of the online world. I feel privileged to have participated in the initiation of social media technologies such as Hi5, and MySpace and can trace my Facebook use back to September 27, 2006, two years after Zuckerberg released it to the public. This means that I literally grew up with Facebook as I can trace my social, vocational and educational usage of it from my final year of high school to my final year of university. Social Media websites such as Facebook and Twitter have, like many other technologies of the past, altered the way that meaning is constructed and interpreted through the merging of convergent platforms, public, and personal communication technology. I am currently in my final year (*Phew*) of the Communications Studies Undergraduate Program at York University and have also have come to understand Social Media from a Public Relations perspective and for the way presents new opportunities for businesses as well as consumers to voice their concerns. My purpose is therefore to document this social media technology trend as it continues to evolve and shape the communications infrastructure of the world and the history of communications that McLuhan would have marveled at.